orbi rbr750 rbr850刷brs750 rbs850方法和改区解锁方法-netgear网件无线路由器及网络设备-恩山无线论坛 (2024)

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RBR850刷RBS850方法:转国外 原网站如下:转换 RBR 850 (路由器) 到 RBS 850 (卫星) : r/家庭网络 (reddit.com)
Converting RBR 850 (Router) to RBS 850 (Satellite)

My first Reddit post with hopefully helping others with similar situtation!

Before some months I decided to switch to Netgears Orbi RBK850 System. Until then I used a Linksys AX2200 System. But this was no option any more after moving in to a flat with 1 GBit/s ISP avialiabilty.

Having headache about the price I bought a used, more precice, two used packages with 2 routers (RBR_850) and in sum 5 satellites (RBS_850).

Starting with one router and successively extending my range and performance with up to 5 satellites. I needed a 6th one for the garage and was sure I can use RBR 850 as satellite. No chance. Only option was to use it as AP with same Wifi SSID and PW as the "main Wifi". But that was not the way I wanted to end up with.

After hours of searching, if there is something like a hack to enable satellite mode on a orbi 850 router, by mistake I found a post, how it is possible to convert a Netgear RBR 50 (NOT 850) to RBS 50.

Here the Link to RBR 50 conversion:

I thought it would be more or less the same procedure... close, but far from it...

First: On RBR 850 there is no old Firmware, for a downgrade where telnet, which is needed for the process, could be enabled. But a smart guy created a phyton script to solve this problem.

So, here a step by step with some troubleshoot on the final steps: (This should work on every OS)

Caution! This could brick your device! Maybe no recovery is possible! Be aware you could damage your device. If unsure, do not use this guide. It is just about my personal experience, fortunately with success. Go on at your own risk!

  • Download the latest firmware from Netgears Homepage for the RBS 850: [color=var(--color-primary-background-hover)]here (Netgear) and unzip it.
  • Download telnet_enable python script: [color=var(--color-primary-background-hover)]here (GitHub)
  • If not done yet, install python 3 (>= 3.8)
  • Power on and connect your RBR 850 with ethernet cable to your Computer (Mac/Linux/Windows).
  • Go to [color=var(--color-primary-background-hover)] and go through initial config as far as needed (setting password for admin is mandatory), skipping as much as you can, because in few minutes we flash a new firmware on it and everything will be deleted (except the PW ).
  • Note or copy the MAC address of this router.
  • Enable telnet Service on RBR 850 with the python script above, in dependence of your OS, with something like:

    • python3 telnet-enable2.py [MAC ADDRESS e.g 'A0:40:A0:69:B6:30'] admin 'yourpassword'
  • If not done yet enable telnet in windows10/11 [color=var(--color-primary-background-hover)]telnet (Windows) or install via homebrew on macOs [color=var(--color-primary-background-hover)]telnet (macOS) (maybe you need first to run brew update and brew upgrade) . No neccesisity to explain for Linux ;)
  • Then telnet to your router:

    • telnet [color=var(--color-primary-background-hover)]
    • Log in with admin and your password (from step 5) and execute following commands:

      • cd /sbin
      • board_data -r board_id - should show: 'U12H404T00_NETGEAR'
      • board_data -r hw_version - should show: 'RBR850'
    • Now lets change the board ID and HW Version, type:

      • board_data -w board_id U12H403T00_NETGEAR (from ...H404... to ...H403...)
      • board_data -w hw_version RBS850 (from RBR to RBS)
      • board_data -r board_id - should now show: 'U12H403T00_NETGEAR'
      • board_data -r hw_version - should now show: 'RBS850'
    • reboot the router with reboot or unplug and plug in power cord.
  • The router is now ready to accept the Satellite Firmware (from Step 1).
  • In a browser go to [color=var(--color-primary-background-hover)], log in with admin and your password (from step 5).
  • Go to Advanced > Administration > Firmware Update > Manual Update
  • Click on Browse and select the satellite firmware from Step 1 (e.g. RBS850-V4.6.14.3-signed.chk)
  • Click on Upload
  • Be patient.
  • Be patient..
  • Be patient...
  • When the Router comes up connect it via ethernet cable (NOT the WAN port!!!) to an other satellite or to your origin orbi router.
  • After a few minutes you see the new RBS 850 as orbi device in the list of connected devices, but not syncing to the existing mesh.
  • You can log in to it by typing the assigned IP to your browser and using admin and your password from Step 5. You now see the satellite firmware interface and not the router interface.
  • OK. Lets sync the new born satellite to our existing mesh. This step is weird. Without knowing why. after the 4th hardreset I succeeded.
  • Hardreset:
  • Unplug new Orbi, press and hold reset button and plug in power cord.
  • Keep holding reset button until white light is pulsing.
  • Sync to Mesh:
  • log in to your origin orbi router and go to 'add orbi satellite' > next > sync
  • Cross fingers
  • be patient
  • be patient
  • be patient
  • Check if new satellite is part of mesh...
  • Happy meshing!

Some troubleshoot:

If satellite is not syncing:

  • Repeat step 21 with all substeps and be patient.
  • If this not helps, connect the ethernet cable to the ethernet port next to power plug and repeat from step 21.
  • If this does not lead to sync, for the hardreset procedure additionally press and hold sync button until the white light is pulsing. Repeat from step 21.
  • No luck? Do not unplug orbi and press 7 seconds reset button. Then repeat step 21
  • Try with 30 seconds without unpluging. Then of course step 21
  • Try wih 30 seconds after unplug and plug in again.
  • Don´t give up. Try again and again. As far as you new RBS comes up and gets an IP via wired connection from origin router or other satellite, its just a syncing issue. Maybe something with the timing or so. But it is not bricked as long as you can log in.
  • If it does not come up try netgears recovery mode with flashing original Firmware via tfpt: [color=var(--color-primary-background-hover)]tftp (NETGEAR) and start again with Step 4.
I hope this helps you to expand your orbi experience!


将 RBR 850(路由器)转换为 RBS 850(卫星)RBR750转换应该也类似的

我的第一篇 Reddit 帖子,希望能帮助其他人有类似的坐姿!

几个月前,我决定改用Netgears Orbi RBK850系统。在此之前,我使用的是 Linksys AX2200 系统。但是,在搬进具有1 GBit/s ISP飞行能力的公寓后,这不再是选择。

由于对价格感到头疼,我买了一个二手的、更珍贵的、两个二手的软件包,带有 2 个路由器 (RBR_850),总共 5 个卫星 (RBS_850)。

从一个路由器开始,然后连续扩展我的范围和性能,最多 5 颗卫星。我需要第六个车库,并且确定我可以将RBR 6用作卫星。没有机会。唯一的选择是将其用作AP,具有与“主Wifi”相同的Wifi SSID和PW。但这不是我想要的结局。

经过数小时的搜索,如果有黑客在 orbi 850 路由器上启用卫星模式,我错误地发现了一篇文章,如何将 Netgear RBR 50(不是 850)转换为 RBS 50。

这里是RBR 50转换的链接:


首先:在RBR 850上没有旧固件,对于降级,可以启用该过程所需的telnet。但是一个聪明人创建了一个phyton脚本来解决这个问题。



  • 从Netgears主页下载RBS 850的最新固件:[color=var(--color-primary-background-hover)]这里(Netgear)并解压缩。

  • 下载telnet_enable python脚本:这里([color=var(--color-primary-background-hover)]GitHub)
  • 如果尚未完成,请安装 python 3 (>= 3.8)

  • 打开电源并使用以太网电缆将RBR 850连接到计算机(Mac / Linux / Windows)。

  • 转到 [color=var(--color-primary-background-hover)] 并根据需要进行初始配置(必须为管理员设置密码),尽可能多地跳过,因为几分钟后我们会在其上刷新一个新固件,所有内容都将被删除(PW 除外)。

  • 记下或复制此路由器的 MAC 地址。

  • 使用上面的 python 脚本在 RBR 850 上启用 telnet 服务,具体取决于您的操作系统,如下所示:

    • python3 telnet-enable2.py [MAC ADDRESS e.g 'A0:40:A0:69:B6:30'] admin 'yourpassword'
  • 如果尚未完成,请在 windows10/11 [color=var(--color-primary-background-hover)]telnet (Windows) 中启用 telnet,或通过 macOs [color=var(--color-primary-background-hover)]telnet (macOS) 上的自制软件安装(也许您需要先运行和 )。对于 Linux ;)没有必要解释brew updatebrew upgrade
  • 然后远程登录到您的路由器:

    • telnet [color=var(--color-primary-background-hover)]
    • 使用 和 您的(从步骤 5 开始)登录并执行以下命令:adminpassword

      • cd /sbin
      • board_data -r board_id- 应显示:“U12H404T00_NETGEAR”
      • board_data -r hw_version- 应显示:“RBR850”
    • 现在让我们更改主板 ID 和硬件版本,键入:

      • board_data -w board_id U12H403T00_NETGEAR(从...H404...自。。。H403...
      • board_data -w hw_version RBS850(从 RBRRB S)
      • board_data -r board_id- 现在应该显示:“U12H403T00_NETGEAR”
      • board_data -r hw_version- 现在应该显示:“RBS850”
    • 使用或拔下并插入电源线重新启动路由器。reboot
  • 路由器现在已准备好接受卫星固件(从步骤 1 开始)。

  • 在浏览器中转到 [color=var(--color-primary-background-hover)],使用 admin 和密码登录(从步骤 5 开始)。

  • 转至高级>管理>固件更新>手动更新

  • 单击浏览并选择步骤 1 中的卫星固件(例如 RBS850-V4.6.14.3-signed.chk)

  • 点击上传

  • 要有耐心。

  • 要有耐心。

  • 要有耐心...

  • 当路由器启动时,通过以太网电缆(不是WAN端口!!)将其连接到其他卫星或您的源orbi路由器。

  • 几分钟后,您会在连接的设备列表中看到新的 RBS 850 作为 orbi 设备,但未同步到现有网格。

  • 您可以通过在浏览器中键入分配的 IP 并使用步骤 5 中的管理员和密码来登录它。您现在看到的是卫星固件接口,而不是路由器接口。

  • 好的。让我们将新生卫星同步到我们现有的网格中。这一步很奇怪。不知道为什么。在第 4 次硬重置后,我成功了。

  • 硬重置:

  • 拔下新奥秘的插头,按住重置按钮并插入电源线。

  • 继续按住重置按钮,直到白灯闪烁。

  • 同步到网格:

  • 登录到您的原始奥秘路由器,然后转到“添加奥秘卫星”>下一个>同步

  • 交叉手指

  • 要有耐心

  • 要有耐心

  • 要有耐心

  • 检查新卫星是否是网格的一部分...

  • 祝您啮合愉快!



  • 对所有子步骤重复步骤 21 并耐心等待。

  • 如果这没有帮助,请将以太网电缆连接到电源插头旁边的以太网端口,然后重复步骤 21。

  • 如果这不会导致同步,对于硬重置过程,请另外按住同步按钮,直到白光闪烁。从步骤 21 重复。

  • 没有运气?请勿拔下奥秘电源并按 7 秒重置按钮。然后重复步骤 21

  • 尝试 30 秒而不拔下插头。然后当然是步骤21

  • 拔下插头后 30 秒尝试,然后重新插入。

  • 不要放弃。一次又一次地尝试。就您而言,新的RBS出现并通过来自源路由器或其他卫星的有线连接获取IP,这只是一个同步问题。也许是时机之类的东西。但只要你能登录,它就不是砖砌的。

  • 如果没有出现,请尝试通过tfpt:[color=var(--color-primary-background-hover)]tftp(NETGEAR)刷新原始固件的netgears恢复模式,然后从步骤4重新开始。


orbi rbr750 rbr850刷brs750 rbs850方法和改区解锁方法-netgear网件无线路由器及网络设备-恩山无线论坛 (2024)
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