Sun Herald from Biloxi, Mississippi (2024)

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Biloxi, Mississippi

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xt rL'A jir -iBHmiv3 ArsiL 2W 1K3 THE DATLV HERALD BILOXI AND GULFPORT MISSISSIPPI COAST BILOXI NEWS PARAGRAPHS Press Club Vet To Take Ease SUHIER PLAN IS EXPLAINED Desirability of Hotels Employing Loral Orchestras a Summer Dances Mentioned at Biloxi of Meet Ocean Springs Commencement Tha program for commencement week of the Ocean Springs school will open Monday at 2 :3 when senior class day exercize will be beld and the May Day festival including crowning of the May Queen will take place Tuesday and Wednesday examinations will be held and on Thursday May 4 at 4 o'clock the eighth grade graduation exercises will be held and Thursday at 7:30 tha jnnior-eenior banquet will take place The high school commencement addresses will be held Friday May 6 at 8 Mize Mary O'Keefe principal announced The graduates are: Della Bare Eleanor Bradford Elinor Coates Lemon Kathryn Lundy Henry Farlia Dorothy Pearce Evelyn Ramsey Orwin Scharr Oscar Seymour Chas Snyder Bernice Van Court George Van Court Laura ZetteL MRS ROSS DIES Mrs Rehamer Collier Rosa widow of the late Capt George Ross who tiled several weeks ago died this morning at 12:30 at her home 124 Pine street She was 78 years old a native of Alabama and a resident of Biloxi for 36 years Sbe was well known in the eastern section and was a devout mother rearing a large family of children The funeral will be held tomorrow afternoon at 4 o'clock from the residence with services at tbe Episcopal church of the Re-e-dmer by Rev A DeMiller and interment will be in the Biloxi cemetery She leaves five sons George A Adolph Amos John and Willie Ross of Biloxi five daughters Mrs Lonisa Lamey Mrs Ellen Wescovich Mrs Francis Ewing Mrs Mena Terry of Biloxi and Mrs Theresa Sprinkle of Texas 7S grand children 40 great grandchildren and several great great grandchildren one brother Henry Collier two half brothers Frank and George Collier and three sisters Mrs Jane Ladnier Mrs Fannia Lad-nier and Mrs Alice Barber Jackson is leading the singing The services will he cor 4 acted each morning an evening beginning at 1U a and 730 The public is cordially invited to attend Rev Metis of Water Valley Miss is preaching this week in the revival services of the First Baptist church Biloxi Rev Joe Canxonari of by Rev II Walker a delightful aong number was given by the glee club Walter Murphy delivered the salutatory and Miss Bernice Wilson the valcilictory'Mr Does introduced the speaker of the evening Him Colmer who delivered a splendid and forceful talk Misses Lena and OJelle Rnmsay played beautiful and difficult piano duet The juniora sang a farewell song to the seniors after which Supt Dee delivered the certificates of promotion to the mem bers of the eighth grade then he awarded the diploma to the graduates Waiter Murphy Ibert Fletcher Marvin Louis Davis Bernice Wilson Bertha Reeves Treasa Woodman and Louise Cochran The flower girls were Lysbeth Ife-es and Edith Murphy who stood at the front of the stus ard received tlie gif: and flowers frem the ufcer Lambert Roberts Leo Davie and Vert is Ramsay and presented them to the STRING TOGS BORROW NECKTIE PATTERNS Paris Fashion ha borrowed Monsieur's necktie silk for Madame's spring togs A number of one-piece utilitarian dresses are made of cravat ilk and hats are also fashioned of the necktie patterns Vandeave i Rev Simpson preached two excellent sermons Sunday at the Van-cleave Methodist rhurch The Ep-worth League held an interesting meeting just prior to the evening service Mr and Mrs Paul Smith Mr and Mrs Maplca and Miss Edith Klass of Mobile were Sunday guests of Mr and Mrs WeetfalL Miss Ina Breland of Vestry spent the past week with her brother-in-law and sister Mr nad Mrs A Rytls and friend Miss Gertrude Woodley Houston Martin of New Orleans was a mid-week visitor with relatives here Mrs Powers and son Gordon Powers of Gulfport spent Saturday with Mrs Martin and Mr and Mra II Westfall Mr and Mrs William Lockard drove over to New Orleans for the day last Thursday Mis Dorothy Babington left Satnrday for her home in Tylertown Miss Verna Ingram left Saturday for her home in Xoxapater Misses Mabel Spight and Erlyne Stewart of the Moss Point eity schools faculty were in Vandeave Saturday Misses Mary Williams and Mary Kate Moore left Saturday for their respective homes tbe former going to Foplarville the latter to Philadelphia Miss Miss Woodley will remain at for a little visit before going to her home in Iuka Mr and Mrs Dees Jr will be in Perkinston during the summer Mr Deea having secured a position in the summer school at Junior College The rest of the faculty Weeks Misses Murphy and Vaughan reside in Vandeave The dosing exercises of the Van-rlcave consolidated school took place Friday night There were seven in the graduating class The stage waa beautifully decorated in southern smilax and the class colors of blue and gold The Invocation waa made 'Guaranteed Permanent Waves Taking Into consideration Ute Importance of Permanents si offer a guarantee lo our patrons in the service of either of the following waves GENUINE REALISTIC A Croquignole f) A Permanent (Y I 1 1 Fansienne A special Imported a a a oil Permanent Re-'r f-w 1111 qnires no setting vfiUv Jeanne PA Push-Up OatJU A lovely soft Permanent with exquisite ringlet ends All waves guaranteed No hair too difficult- results assured (Vi specialize In all branrbes of Rraiity Culture Shampoo and Finger Wave 75c La Nationals Phone 70 BEAUTY SHOPPE 213 Howard i y- i' -v'--: 'A I I I III BILOXI CALENDAR TONIGHT 8 30 Tonight or VETERANS OF FOREIGN WARS Library Election of dele- Concert 8 FRANCES YOUSKO DIES Franr-e Youzko 19 sophom*ore ia tbe Biloxi high fohool died at her home yesterday afternoon following an illness of five or fix week Sbe lax been tick since tbe Uxt baa ketball xame at Biloxi high when ibe wa eitber struck over the heart or suffered heart strain and has been confined to her home and bed since hhe was prominent in various atbletie art ivi ties and a good student She participated in various sports including tennis and was a member of the Tarsi tv basketball team She ia the daughter of Mr and Mrs 8 Yousko and besides her parent leaves six sisters Eleanor Mildred Gertrude Mary Fatey and Beatrice and her brother Eugene Mies Yousko was a popular member of the younger set of Biloxi and bad many friends She was a lifelong resident of Biloxi The funeral services warn held this morning at 10 o'clock from the Parlors with requiem mass at the Catholic church of tbe Nativity by Rev McGlade and choir The pallbearers were: Harold Besae Jack Graham John Dacey Oswald Bernicb El wood Kelley and Payne Walcott HOWARD 1 P-T A MEETS The Howard No 1 P-T A met Thursday afternoon with 24 parents and teachers present A brief business session was held and a discussion of awarding pins to the boy and girl in each class who has made the highest grade in spelling Mrs John Welch chairman of tbe Washington Bicentennial program presided and two trees were planted and dedicated The program was as follows: salute to the Flag by the assembly American Creed read by Miss Davis piano solo Mrs Chris Thompson poem Mrs John Lewis Jr talk on Washington Rev DeMiller paper Boyhood of Washington Miss Llado song Mist Davis Mias Llado and Miss Arguelles Star Spangled Banner- by the assembly After the pro--rm refreshments were served by Mrs Hastings and Mrs Adam Gautier Mrs A Vetoing ill at her home on Church street Harry Goodwill ill at hb borne et West Beach BILOXI SCHOOL BAND CONCERT Tonight at 8 High School Auditorium Admission 15e and 23c Benefit State Band Contest Hear the high school 40-piece band New music adTb26 It FOR RENT Modern 5-room bungalow furnished or unfurnished Jaek Kornman Phone 460 advb26-28 2t DANCE TONIGHT Pisatti Pavilion By A Good Mnaie Gents 25c Ladies 10c advb28 It OPEN ALL NIGHT Steimwinder Pan-Am Service Station Main street tad Beach Phone 1ST sdvb25 2t AUTOMOBILE Casualty Bonds The Desports Agency Ernest Des ports Jr 511 Howard Phono 324 adrbl-tn-th tf Today WED Admirers showered her with jeweb She had all the treasures of lib love! GLORIA WANSON rTONIQFTcMffi with MELVYN DOUGLAS Added CHARLIE CHASE HNICKEL Actual Broadcast from Stage On Stago TIIUR 8:30 WGCM RADIO NITE Sea All the Coast Stars actually work before the RAY HILL A tiENLNG JR JACK KCHUMAKER THE MERRY MAKERS BERTHA TATE CALLIE BARBOl'R OAKLEY WEST JONES FLOYD NORWOOD CARROVS ORCIL AND OTHERS RAY HILL Master of Ceremonies ON SCREEN BEACH ACCIDENT Two cars were damaged last night in a collision on Wevt Beach in front of Place when Steve Trthotieh attempted to turn into one of tbe soft drink aUcde at that location and struck the conch driven by Mica Nannie Taranto The latter was driving east along tbe beach and Steve vMt when be attempted to turn in in front of her Mia Taranto swerved her ear but the fmat of the coupe caught tbe side of her car tearing away a fender and running board No one was injured CITY COURT A small docket of cases were reviewed in the city court last night by Judge Will Eimer all of which were for minor offenses Three of the cases resulted from the police vigilance in keeping traffic cleared and were for parking law viobtiems Gridley Cody and Louis Lixana each charged with this offense were fined S150: end Pete Kelly charged with being drunk was fined IS PLAN SPANISH VETS MEET The Money Camp and auxiliary met Sunday afternoon with visitors from the Biloxi camp and auxiliary After the regular order of business they adjourned to reconvene in a committee meeting to devise ways and means of entertaining the state convention w-hich will be beld in Gulfport June 17 and IS The citizena of tbe coast are requested to assist the camp in entertaining our visitors who will come from all parts of the state and belp make their visit a pleasant remembrance of tbe hospitality and send them home boosters for the coast ODD FELLOWS MEETING Coast Odd Fellows will gather in Biloxi tomorrow night at 8 at the Masonic Temple to inaugurate plana for tbe Mississippi grand lodge convention on the Coast the latter part of June Headquarters for the conclave will be maintained in Gulfport where the business sessions will be held but the Coast will join in their entertainment with special features staged by Biloxi and Pascagoula Officials of the Biloxi Lodge are making every effort to have a full attendance of their membership at tomorrow's meeting and delegations will be sent from Gulfport and Pascagoula part in the entertainment will be discussed at that time Tbe convention will be in aesaion for fonr days One of the features of the gathering will be the initiation of a largo class of candidates Degree work will be conferred with all of its splendor and pump by tbe grand lodge team STRAUGHAX-MICHEL Miss Estelb Michel and Richard Straughan were quietly married yesterday afternoon at the home of the aunt Mrs Gertrude Straugh-an of Reynoir street The couple came to Biloxi Sunday Their marriage was a surprise to friends and relatives here but more of a surprise to their parents in New Orleans when they returned home last night to announce their wedding Rev Hodge Baptist minister performed the ceremony Mrs Frank Straughan and Harold Stranghan were the attendants and a few others witnessed the ceremony The groom is known to a number in Biloxi having spent his summers here He is tbe son of Mr and Mrs Straughan and an engineer of the New Orleans levee board with which he has been connected about four years He attended the Chenet Institute a prep school The attractive bride was dressed in bine flats crepe with accessories to match She ia the daughter of Mr and Mrs Albert Michel and attended Allen high school in New Orleans The couple drove to New Orleans yesterday afternoon and will reside at 407 Burdette street They are popular members of tbe younger act in New Orleans RADIO CONCERN MOVES The Goodwill Radio Sales Repairs has moved to the John Hord building on West Howard avenue where they have established their radio repair shop and sales room A fishing trip on Fort Bayou near Davids Landing was enjoyed Saturday and Sunday by Captain Lewis Gar-lotte and family Mr and Mr Benjamin Garlotte and Jesse Hahn and Sidney Dinsn Sixty-two perch were caught and a few trout The Power boat American girl was chartered for the occasion Sidney Dinan returning from a fishing trip Sunday evening from Fort Bayou had to have a finger operated on to have a fish hook extracted Mr and Mrs Paul Cage Klyce and little daughter Mary of Laurel Mrs Klyce of Nashville Tenn and Mrs Vaughn of Nashville spent Sunday in Biloxi calling on several friends The Mother Goose Club will meet Thursday afternoon at 2:30 at the home of Mrs Leach 1045 West Howard avenue Mr and Mrs Frank Carroll of Jackson are in Biloxi for a short visit with Dr and Mrs Carroll SCHOOLS CLOSED FRIDAT The Biloxi schools will be closed Friday to allow teachers to attend tbe Mississippi Education Association convention in Jackson Friday and Satnrday CONDITION NOT SERIOUS Tbe condition of Douglas Crawford who was injured while engaged in construction work at the new soldiers' home yesterday morning is somewhat improved and indications are that his injuries will not be fatal He suffered several broken ribs LEE STREET REVIVAL The revival meeting will continue through this week nightly at 7 :30 at Lee street church under the leadership of Evangelist Grice of Slo-comb Ala Mr Grice ia a forceful speaker presenting hia message in dear and uncompromising arguments TO ATTEND PRESBYTER I AL Mrs Herron will leave tomorrow for Hattiesburg to attend the state Presbyterial As the newly elected auxiliary president sbe will invite tbe group to meet ia Biloxi next year LOPEZ OPERETTA The operetta will be given by the pupils of Lopes school this afternoon and at eight Wednesday night Tbe program and cast of characters follows: Musical numbers: Act 1: overture orchestra 2 opening chorus chorus 3 calling on a Goddess Cho San 4 When the Sun Smiles Back at the Moon girls' chorus 5 Even song Hinai San 6 Star Maidens Matu San 7 an invitation Mata San Mr Maruyanu 8 Little Maid of Japan Hinai San and chorus 9 In the Tree Up Above girls' chorus 10 It Done Msryuans Asucbi San Harra San 11 I Like the Ways of Japan Asnchi San 12 Would You Like to Marry Me? Mr Maruyana 13 finale act I Hinai San and servants Entre Cate Cherry blossoms party Act II: 14 An earthquake cooliea 14 a Coolie Must Not Sigh San and coolies 16 Paper Prayers Matu San 17 Maiden of Old Japan Ilinai San and chorus 18 the Courtship Tano San 19 dance Japanee Ming Toy 20 Drown Your Troubles girls' chorus 21 She Was Born in Old Japan Maruyana and principals 22 finale act II principals and chorus Matu San daughter of aristocratic Japanese family Susanna Walker Tano San Cho San friends Gene Tuttle Matu San Nina Coleman Hinai San governess of Matu San Mona Oberhaua Mr Maruyana Japanese gentleman who baa studied in America Gordon Dacey Axuchi San Uara San friends of Mr Maruyana Whitfield Brooke and Harry Gustafson Non no San go-between who arranges marriage Margaret Joyner llan San coolie Cbas Braun father of Maruyana Wood Bond father of Matu San Justin Van Dolah chorus of Japanese maidens friends of Matu San: Eida Coquet Martha Burnett Jerry Legarde Bernice Ran-dazzo Velma Carter Nathalie Duggan Lucille Roy Dorothy Gunn Mary Alliene Mosley Marion Uthoff Dorothy Sutrmin Celia Saxon Japanese tea girls: 51 ary Betty White Julia Pearson Dot McCormick Julia McLeod Sylvia Babco*ck Ruth Moniot Agusta Frantz Marguerite Scholtes Chorus of coolies Bobby McManus Stephen Guice Williams Hodges Stephen Whetstone Emory Williams Edgar Braun McAdoo Demouralie El-wood Collins Julian Ferguson Harris Bodden Clanton Bennett Cherry Blossoms Party: Japanese maidens Verna Davis and Gloria Keller American beauties: Hulda Velma Cousins Virginia Guisness Helen Wald-meir Betty Towner Violet Ninnesa Peggy Obenchmidt Patty Kennedy Jacqueline Drey Jacqueline Maccrea-die Elizabeth Holland BAND CONCERT TONIGHT The Biloxi Schools' Band will present a concert tonight at 8 o'clock in the school auditorium for the benefit of the Meridian Band contest trip April 29 and 30 The following students will participate under the direction of Prof Chas Carnovale: Clarence Harder Miriam Haas Rayford Marion Roy Fountain Llewellyn Fountain clarinet Oswald Bernich Felix Johnston Junior May Earl Biessey Vernon Trochesset James Duvic Walter Biessey trumpet Glenn Collins Vernon Giily cornet Lynn Elder George Duvic meiophone Juliet Trochesset piccolo Elms Parker flute: John Dacey sap saxophone Nick Mavar tenor saxophone Merrill Duvic alto saxophone Cleve Huggins alto saxophone Vincent Morice alto saxophoue Uriel Duvic alto saxophone Elbert Entre-ken alto saxophone Edward McDonnell Harold Elder Eva Volpino Floyd Stanovich trombone Lionel Gardner baritone Woodrow Entre-kin James Thacker Dominic Fallo bass Harold Collins Gordon Dacey Anthony Anglado Norman Levine drum Catherine Benedict piano accompaniment Rames Khayat drum major ILLIXG'S THEATRE The following features will be shown at Theatre in Ocean Springs this week: Tonight and tomorrow at Thursday and Friday Divers Saturday Gay LIQUOR BOAT SEIZED New York Apr 26 UP) The collier Maurice Tracy waa confiscated in federal court yesterday i officers were fined 5300 each and the 19 members of its crew 575 each The collier was seized and the officers and crew arrested on April 6 when she arrived from Norfolk Va with 2724 cases of liquor concealed under the cargo of coal Leland Wilson of Colville Wash drives a Catalo a crose between a Buffalo and Holstein hitched to a cart in trips about the state Neil Goodman of Memphis outlined plans for the attraction of visitors to tbe Buena Vista Hotel and Biloxi at last night's general Chamber of Commerce meeting He will advertise extensively hie idea of "Vacation in Biloxi nsing thousands of circulars radio programs newspapers and other mediums to bring summer tourists to Biloxi The plan is probably the most ambitious single undertaking ever launched to interest visitors in the Coast and in addition low rates are offered by the railroad and the hotel and innumerable forms of recreation are being arranged for the visitors The vacation at the hotel Iso can be paid for on the installment plan which should make it especially attractive to the working cles Mr Goodman said he had never een a time when so many wanted to co-operate He told of conferences with I and A officials and of their endorsem*nt of the proposal Moser Buena Vista manager expressed appreciation to Secretary A Ragusin for assistance in furnishing pictures and other data for the circulars advertising the tour lie said the hotel would have to get at least 1000 guests to break even on the plan but that 5000 or more were expected daring the summer The advertising while applying directly to the Buena Vista will advertise Biloxi Due to the recent Buena Vista failure Mr Moser said every effort would be made to give the city ail the business possible to pay back some of the funds lost lie said when he took over the hotel over 8105000 plus the bonded indebtedness were due snd when the hotel went into bankruptcy the debt was no higher Secretary Ragusin made his monthly report covering the various of activities An effort is being made to have the legislature pase a bill to exempt ball teams from the new taxation and to assist Mobile to get the St Louis Cardinals to train there which would offer an additional team for Washington to play while training in Biloxi A communication was received from Barcelona Spain concerning dry shrimp A report was received regarding the proposed freeze plant lie spoke of the desirability of the hotels employing local orchestras this summer for the dances and Manager Moser said that the Buena Vista would do so if the management could possibly come to terms with local musicians Rev A DeMiller made a short talk concerning the cleanup campaign To Present Biloxi Play In Jackson The Biloxi high school varsity play which won the Big 8 dramatic tournament title will be presented for members of the Mississippi Speech Education Association Friday night at Bellhaven College Jackson Miss Louise Thomas president of the association and vice-president of the Southern Association of Teachers of Speech invited the Biloxians to present the play In writiug to Miss Glen Sims who directed the play Miss Thomas expressed her opinion that the play was one of the moat attractive amateur productions she has ever witnessed and said she would like to have the Biloxians repeat the play as a display of what high school students really can do It should have much influence in elevating the standard and type of high school productions in Mississippi she wrote Hans Richards Velma Harvey and Numa Theriot are in tbe cast and will be accompanied to Jackson by Miss Sims and Ferdinand Cnrtis who is business manager of the play Associated Press Officers Elected New Turk April 38 UP) Tanl Fatterson of the Baltimore Sun was elected a director of tbe Associated Press and four of the present directors era reelected at the annual meeting of the organization it was announced today Those reelected were: Frank Noyes president of the Associated Press and publisher of the Washington Star Adolph 8 Ochs New York Times Robert McLean Philadelphia bulletin and Frederick Murphy Minneapolis Tribune Mr Patterson succeeds Anthony of tbe New Bedford (Mass) standard who was not a candidate for reelection The following officers were elected President Frank 3 Noyes Washington Star First Vice President George Logan Kansas City Star Second vice-president William Pape Waterbury Conn Republican Secretary-Kent Cooper Assistant Secretary Jackson Elliott Treasurer Youatt Executive Frank Noyes Adolph Ochs Clark Howell Atlanta Constitution Lansing Ray St Louis Globe-Democrat Elbert Baker Cleveland Plain Dealer Robert McLean Philadelphia Bulletin Richard Hooker Spring-field 51 ass Republican Stuart Perry Adrian Mich Telegram DECISION ON GRAVEL RATE IS POSTPONED Jackson April (A9) In announcing tbe May docket of the atate railroad commission Secretary IV Williamson of the commission said that the petition before the body for a re-bearing on sand and gravel rates fixed by the commission last December will not be disposed of until after the next regular meeting May 3 The commission recently conclud-d hearings on proposed reopening of the rate question an issue between tbe carriers and gravel pit operators wco sought to reopen the esse Stenographers were given until Mey 7 to after which date further hearings after which date for hesriuts if any are deemed necessary will be set and a de i handed down Wu-liamson announced John Bennis above for 25 yean night factotum of the San Francisco Pres Club and friend of the famous the world around has decided to quit staying out nights to see people Bennis who has been the official greeter to presidents kings admirals sea flyers and what have you feels that at 84 he needs a rest But instead of leaving the Pren club he has decided to live there lie helped introduce the merry-go-round in America STATE OF MISSISSIPPI Office of Secretary of State Jackson I Walker Wood Secretary of of State do certify that the Charter of Incorporation hereto attached entitled the Charterer Incorporation of CITIZENS INSURANCE AGENCY was pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 100 Code of Mississippi of 1030 Recorded in the Records of Incorporations in this office Book No 31 Page 307 Given under my hand and the Great Seal of the State of Mississippi hereunto affixed this 23rd day of April 1932 WALKER WOOD (SEAL) Secretary of State State of Mississippi Executive Office Jackson The within and foregoing Charter of Incorporation of Citizens Insurance Agency is hereby approved In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and caused the Great Seal of the State of Mississippi to be affixed this twenty-second day of April 1932 (Seal) By the Governor SENNETT CONNER Governor WALKER WOOD Secretary of State Received at the office of the Secretary of State this the 22nd day of April A 1932 together with the sum of 52000 deposited to cover the recording fee and referred to the Attorney General for his opinion WALKER WOOD Secretary of State Jackson Miss April 22nd 1932 I have examined this charter of incorporation ami am of the opinion that it is not violative of the Constitution and laws of this State or of tbe United States GREEK RICE Attorney General By PIERCE Assistant Attorney General CHARTER OF INCORPORATION OF CITIZENS INSURANCE AGENCY 1 The corporate title of said Company is Citixens Insurance Agency 2 The names and post offics addresses of tbe incorporators are: Sadler Postoffiee Address Biloxi Mississippi Sadler Postoffiee Address Biloxi Mississippi White Postoffiee Address Biloxi Mississippi 3 The domicile of tbe corporation shall be Biloxi Mississippi 4 The amount of authorised capital stock is 510tXl00 no par value divided into one hundred shares No privileges and restrictions except those now imposed by law 5 8ale price of stock 51000 per share 6 Period of existence fifty years 7 Tbe purpose fur which the corporation is created is to engage in the selling of life fire accident tornado and casualty insurance and to act as general insurance and real estate broken and to do anything not contrary to law in conducting a real estate and insurance brokerage business and to exerise the powers conferred by Chapter 100 Code of Mississippi of 1930 and amendments thereto 8 All stock of the corporation as above set forth shall be subscribed and paid for before the corporation begins business SADLER SADLEIJ WHITE State of Mississippi County of Hnrri-un Personally appeared before tha undersigned authority in and for said County and State Sadler Sadler and White who each acknowledged that they executed and delivered tbe foregoing instrument on the day of the date thereof Given under my hand and seal of office this 19th day of April 1932 GRANT (seal) Notary Public advg 26-1 1 Theatre OCEAN SPRINGS ALL TALKING PICTURES Tonight and at with Thomas Meighan Charlotte Greenwood William Rakewell and Linda Watkins Eyes Hava 5 reel comedy Coming big feature Always 10c and 80e Tlua Tax Then Spend Your Money With Confidence For some one every day the biggest news is not on the front page not even in the news columns There may be an earthquake in Italy or a revolution in Central America There may be a hot election campaign or a million-dollar fire or a metropolitan crime wave But for Jim Jones who has decided to buy a new sedan and for Mrs Thompson who needs some school-dresses for little Mary Lou the big news of the day is in the advertisem*nts Even the doings of Congress and the big-league baseball results pale into insignificance beside the news of something you really want The advertising columns bring you each day sound information about quality style and price They announce new products and new developments that save time trouble or expense for millions of people They point out healthful habits of eating sleeping exercising Consistently advertised goods are safe goods to buy Behind them stand the manufacturer and the merchant guaranteeing their uniform quality Read the advertisem*nts before you buy.

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Author: Virgilio Hermann JD

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Name: Virgilio Hermann JD

Birthday: 1997-12-21

Address: 6946 Schoen Cove, Sipesshire, MO 55944

Phone: +3763365785260

Job: Accounting Engineer

Hobby: Web surfing, Rafting, Dowsing, Stand-up comedy, Ghost hunting, Swimming, Amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Virgilio Hermann JD, I am a fine, gifted, beautiful, encouraging, kind, talented, zealous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.