The Evening Sun from Hanover, Pennsylvania (2024)

THE EVENING SUN, HANOVER. PA. SATURDAY, JUNE PAGE Why tell the world DEAF? you lake a few minulcs to Icarn-in absolute privacy a tiny Sonolone hearing ends the shouting that makes you conspicuous? First, a Certified Sonotone Consultant measures your hearing loss. Then gtted with the RIGHT instrument for your need-from a line of instruments with ot er 300 fitting combinations. Kor your own corafort-your peace of mind-come in tor confidential hearing check.

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joii Sermon Excerpts Indicate Latest Religious Thought Divine Law Called Only Basis Of Peace For Those On Earth Farewell Talk Given In New York Church By Dr. C. B. Foelsch Sunday In The Churches Members of the Holy Trinity Lu- sLll havp church, the largest United dual heart onH nf, indivi-I Lutheran church congregation in Deace on hf. HI I Manhattan, greeted and said fare- Rkhon to their leaders.

The nSiv Chares B. Foelsch, who resigning to become president of rick Cathedral, New York. the new Pacific Lutheran Theologi- Plannelly, AdminLstrator i cal Seminary, preached his farewell or the Cathedral, called the En- sermon. Then he officially installed cychcal of Pope Leo XIII as sig- twenty-six-year-old Veter-- nifleant today as when it was writ- the Rev. Fred P.

Eckhardt. as pastor. Mr. Eckhardt will OW- Waterheating Better Because teri in May, 1899, In urging a worldwide consecration to the Sacred Heart as the only true basis of peace, he commented, Pope Leo realized there could be no peace without God. head the church until a new pastor is chosen.

Both clergymen said in interviews that their new position.s represented unique opportunities for "Peace of soul is that cift for spreading Christian ideals. Which every human bSg and in our time we have seen hon- Dr. Foelsch, who was president of Chicago Lutheran Theological MORNING DEVOTIONS The Morning Devotions program, broadcast by Monday through Friday at 8:30 a. m. in cooperation with the Hanover Ministerial Association, will be conducted next week by the Rev.

John L. Parry, pastor of the Church of the Nazarene. to bg ST. LUTHERAN Sunday services in St. Lutheran church, York street, the Rev.

Paul Levi Foulk, pastor, will include a sponsored radio service broadcast over WHVR with sermon by the pastor, 8:30 a. Sunday school, 9:15 second service. 10:30 a. when the Rev. Mr.

Foulk will speak on "Lost and est, courageous, noble efTorts of men i to try to e.stablish world' I of the first Lutheran Bishop Flannelly said. i seminary west of the most important of these were the United Nations in 1945, League of Nations in 1920, and Hague Peace Conference in 1899, They all accomplished some good, but they have all failed in the great end for which they were established. Rockies. It opens in September with a expected enrollment of about thirty-five students and a faculty of four on two former private es- tates in Berkley, hills not far the University of California i campus. Hopes For Church Unity I Seminarians of various Lutheran answer to the United Na- i church bodies will attend, tions is Korea, the answer to the Dr.

Foelsch said, adding with a League of Nations was World War smile that this factor might contribute to eventual unity among ST. LUTHERAN Services tomorrow In St. Lutheran cburch, the Rev. Dr. Harry Hursh iBeidleman, pastor, and the Rev, Carroll Lee Boyer, assistant pastor, will be as follows: Sunday school, 9:15 a.

Friendship Bible class broadcast over WHVR, 9:30 a. communion, 8 and 10:30 a. m. and 7 p. public baptismal service for children, 2 p.

July meeting of Luther League. 5:45 p. m. in the lower room of the church. A nursery will be conducted from 10:30 to 11:30 a.

m. in the adult Sunday school room. II. and the answer to The Hague Peace Conference was Wortd War I. Pope Leo wrote this encyclical he deplored the manner in which constitutions and rulers of states utterly disregarded religion and God.

unity the many Lutheran church bodies in this country. Tlie purchase and renovation of the grounds and buildings will cost about $1,000,000. The seminary, he said, will turn out ministers who will look on their Anyone could have wriHen it to- I profession but as a day. To go back to the invitation important, he of Leo XIII the call is to renew the fhis sermon, because mims- act of con.secration to the Sacred I ambassadors of Hpart a thp nlpripp nf I described in II Corinth- Sncer'he law'M President Ana.stasio Somoza of ifvtni Vif. iriiSf ni Sh Ood yesterday.

At the end of the i 'j; service Bishop Flannelly escorted the couple to the cathedral doors as the played the Nicara- ST. LUTHERAN Continued will be the sermon topic of the pastor the Rev. Dr. John S. Tome, at services tomorrow at 10:30 a.

m. at the armual congregational reunion of St. Lutheran church at the Adams County Fair Grounds Grove). The church orchestra and choir will participate in the service. Persons needing transportation will meet at the church at 10 a.

m. SHERRYSTOWN LUTHERAN Services tomorrow in St. Lutheran church. McSherrystown, the Rev. Dr.

G. E. Bowersox, pastor, will include Sunday school, 9 a Sacrament of the Supper, 10:15 a. with preparatory service. MATTHEW 16:26 "What doth it profit a man if he gain the whole world and suffer the loss of his own Or what exchange shall a man give for his This line of Scripture, spoken by Jesus Himself, is to my mind the most memorable verse in the Bible.

It has profoundly influenced the of millions and altered the whole course of human history. It has been the revolutionary call which brought men and women out of mediocrity into sanctity. It states with brevity and compelling clarity the ultimate alternatives, God or Mammon, between which every man and all humanity must sooner or later make a It puts time and eternity in their proper perspective. It poses the question which, of all questions, is the problem of our generation; Christ or chaos, salvation or total ruin. )Rev.

Richard J. Cushing, D.D. Roman Catholic Archbishop of Boston TRINITY REFORMED ST. EPISCOPAL Services Sunday in St. John's centrate on evangelism and youth work.

The church has 850 mem- naVional a thems. rounding neighborhood. city has so many transients I and he said, I people get away from their home I town church, they sometimes get swept away in the swirl of the big city Door-to-Door VisiUi biggest job will be to keep i in touch with the people who leave world is looking to the I cards in the pews, requesting lit- church for help and but erature or pastoral services or ex- often the church fails in its obli- pressing interest generally in the GRACE REFORMED services in Grace Re- Services Sunday in Communion will be observed to- formed church, the Rev. William H. Episcopal church.

140 North Beaver morrow in Trinity Reformed church. Banks, pastor, will consist of church street, York, the Rev Earl Ho- the Rev. E. Sheely, pastor, with school. 9 a.

communion services, naman, rector, will include com- services at 8 10:30 8 and 10:30 a. m. and 2:30 p. munion, 8 a. family communion broadcast over WHVR.

and 2 p. m. last meeting until fall of the Junior service, 9:30 a. morning prayer Sunday school will convene at 9:15 and Senior Youth Fellowship.s, a and sermon, 11 a. evening pray- a.

m. in charge of the farewell party, on the playground, 6 er, 7 p. m. ANNUNCIATION CHURCH Masses Sunday in the Church of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary. McSherrystown, the Rev.

Monsignor Patrick F. McGee, rector, and the Rev Anthony J. McGinley and the Rev. William R. Lyons, assistants will include first mass at 6:30 a.

second mass at 7:30 a. mass at 9 a. and the last mass at 10:30 a. m. Bapti.sms will be administered at 12 noon.

Novena services in honor of the Miraculous medal and Benediction of the Most Blessed Sacrament at 7 m. TOYS GYM SETS Sand-E-Wade Pools (Second Floor) E. J. J. GOBREGHT 120 E.

Chestnut St. 9129 HANOVER, PA. PAINTING J. H. MILLER Complete painting Service Interior and Exterior R-4.

HanovfT. Phone 2-8274 ST. CATHOLIC Ma.sses will be oflered Sunday morning at 6, 7:30 9 and 10:30 clock in St. Joseph Roman Catholic church, Baltimore street, the Rev. Charles Park, pastor, and the Rev.

Louis W. Forgeng, assistant pastor. Weekdays, masses. 7 and 8 a. m.

Confe.ssions. Saturday, 3.30 to 5 and 7 to 9 p. m. CONEWAGO CHAPEL Masses Sunday in Conewago chapel, the Rev. Harold E.

Keller, rector, will be celebrated at 7 a. m. and m. Evening devotions will be at 7 p. m.

ent, John Thoman, There will be p. m. a public bapti.smal service at 3 m. ST. CATHOLIC Masses Sunday in St.

Roman Catholic church, the Rev. Joseph G. Gotwalt, rector, will be held at 7, 8:30 and 10 a. m. The sacrament of baptism will be administered at 12 noon.

Miraculous Medal Novena devotions and Holy Name vespers will be ducted in the evening at 7 Confessions and vigils are held Saturday at 3:45 and 7 pm. and weekday are celebrated at 8 a. m. MILLARD H. KLUNK Westinghousc, Zenith.

RCA, Radloii and TV Salet Serriee. i20 E. Hanover Hanover. Opposite Ha lover St. SchooL 2-1288 BUILDING Repairing, Painting, Remodeling, Stuccoing, Cecient Work, HUFNAGLE BROS.

R-l, HANOVER, PA. Phone 2-8887 TELEVISION SALES AND SERVICE ReVI Home Supply Rear of Hardware at 22 S. R. R. St.

Phone 4566 Methodist Minister Stresses Diety Of The Church EMMANUEL REFORMED Sunday services in Emmanuel Reformed church, the Rev. Dr Nevin Smith, pastor, will include dedication service.s for the church school, 9:15 a. wonship, 10:30 a. with addre-s-s by the Rev. Dr.

Charles Schaeffer, Philadelphia, former president of the General Synod of the Reformed church. With MECO'S li ratt METROPOLITAN EDISON COMPANY PERFECT SLEEPER MATTRESS Greatest Mattress Value 0. J. MYERS Furniture Store Hanover, Opposite Park Theater declared the Rev. Dr.

Samuel H. Sweeney in a sermon at St. Methodist church. New York. are telling people to come to church all the time, but what are we asking them to come he said.

we ask people to come to church and fail to give them what they need. People come to church they know that the church i.s a place where they can receive help. have different motives for coming to church. If we come looking for Christ, to live a better life and receive spiritual growth, we are coming for the right motives. The church must always be in a position to give those who come the proper inspiration and help.

The church must not fail to impress upon the world the need of a social church. Door-to-door visitation is about the method of doing this. It will take a lot of traveling and a lot of it outside Manhattan. believe the foundation and future of the church depends on its youth, If you keep them interested and enthusiastic, have a decaying Mr. Eckhardt was a radar technician on a small amphibious ship in the South Pacific when he decided to become a minister.

The craft had no chaplain. On its crui- at Guam, the Philippines, China and Japan, he ased to lead informal religious When he got home to Glyndon, after two years of Navy he finished his course at Western Maryland College. Westminster. entered Gettysburg Theological- Seminary and was ordained June 11. GRACE EVANGELICAL services in Grace Evangelical church, the Rev.

William E. Yingling, pastor will Include Sunday school in charge of Superintendent Richard Garrett, 9:15 a. worship with the Rev. Mr. theme.

ALL SAINTS EPISCOPAL Morning prayer and sermon will bt: conducted tomorrow at 9 in the All Saints Epi.scopal church, Broadway. Sunday school will meet at 10 Canon AHhur Plaffko, Blue Ridge Summit, will be in charge of the services. NEW BALTIMORE Sunday services in St. Lutheran church. New Baltimore, the Rev.

David A. Menges, pastor, will include communion, 9 a. with meditation theme, Sunday school, 10 a. m. REAL ESTATE See HOLLINGER 58 Street 'phone Hanover lUILDING REMODELING OF ANY KIND Asphalt Tile Spout Work Block Cement Work Call Llttlestown 240-R-4.

UPHOLSTERING Repair Remodelinc ROBERT L. BOLIN IRISHTOWN R-l, New Oxford, Pa. TREE ESTIMATES Phone 59-R-ll VOUR HOTPOINT MAYTAG dealer in Hanover SALES SERVICE w. L. NACE APPLIANCES 14 West Chestnut Street Hanover Pa Phone 5203 FRYRITE Fryer SALE .95 Buy One Today.

$1.00 Down and $1.00 Weekly Clip this Ad and bring it to our'store. W. NACE, Appliances 14 W. Chestnut St. Hanover, Pa.

This offer good for 10 days only. U. The Rev Paul Wineka, pastor Christ of Otterbein U. B. church, has announced the following for tomorrow: Sunday 9:15 MEMORIAL E.

U. B. communion, 10:30 a. in i tian Endeavor, 6 p. and evan- 1 Memorial E.

B. church, the Rev. I gelistic service, 7 m. Prayer meet- CHURCH OF THE BRETHREN Sunday services in the Church of the Brethren, the Rev. E.

E. Baugh- I cr. pastor, will include Sunday I school, 9:15 a. worship, 10:301 a. with sermon by the Rev.

Mr. Baugher; evening 7 p. when the Rev. J. M.

Stauffer will speak. SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST Services each Saturday In the Adventist chapel, Carlisle street, John Mitchell and John Ward, pastors. include Sabbath school, 9:30 a. m. and worship, 11 a.

m. A prayer service will be conducted Wednesday at 8 p. followed by a meeting of the Bible class. J. B.

Reed will consist of wor- ing is held each Wednesday at 7:30 ship, 8:30 a. with sermon Sunday school. 9:15 -------a- INDEPENDENT FUNDAMENTAL Services in (he FIRST METHODIST Fundamental church, the Rev. San- Services Sunday in the First Me- aer.son A. Jacobs, pastor, will con- thodist church, the Rev, Ariel of Sunday 9:30 a.

Turner, pastor, will include Church under the direction of Superinten- Echool, 9:15 a. worship, 10:30 Charles Starner; worship, a with sermon by the pastor, i 10:45 a. and evening service, You p. m. The Rev, Mr.

Jacobs will I speak at both services. Prayer meet- GOSPEL TABERNACLE Wedne.sday, 8 p. The weekly broadcast this eve-: I mng at 7 of the Hanover FOURSQUARE GOSPEL I Gospel Tabernacle will be followed i Services Sunday in the Four: by a young service, 7:30 p. square Gospel church, the Rev and evening services, 7:45 William and Marie Bauder. pas- CHRISTIAN Services tomorrow in the Holiness Christian church, the Rev.

William Neidhammer, pastor, will include Sunday school. 9:30 a. m. in charge ol the superintendent, Allen Bortner; worship, 10:45 a. young people's service, 7 p.

and evan- geli.stic service. 8 p. m. Afternoon eveiiing services will be held i Go" at the former Oak Side Park grove, on the Black Rock road where the seventh annual meeting of the York County Holiness Camp Meeting Association is in progress, he Rev. and Mrs.

Fred Bertolet, Reading, evangelists, are in charije of the services which will continue each evening at 7:45 through July 6. at the Fellowship Camp grove, I along the Blooming Grove Road. Services tomorrow at the grove will Sunday school. 9:30 a. wonship, 10:30 a.

afternoon ser; vice, 2:30 young ser- I vice, 7 p. and evening i 7:15 p. m. Guest speakers and sing- I ers will be featured at all the ser. vices.

tors, will be as follows: Sunday 9:30 a. worship. 11 a. 6 p. evening service, 7:30 p.

Crusaders, Tuesday, 7:45 p. evangelistic service Thursday. 7:45 p. KALAMAZOO STOVES FURNACES York Middle Phone 5275 Hanover CHURCH OF TOE NAZARENE Services Sunday in the Trinity Church of the Nazarene, the Rev John L. Parry, pastor, will be as follows: Sunday 9:30 a worship, 10:30 a.

service, 7 p. gospel hour, 7:45 p. m. CHURCH OP GOD I The First Church ol God. the Rev.

C. C. Smith, in charge, has announced the following services for Sunday 9:30 a. worship, 10:30 a. m.


B. CHURCH Comer E. Middle and Streets Temperature 74" Church Services ................8:30 A. M. Sunday A.


J. B. REED Pastor ELECTRIC WIRING Plumbing, Heating, Spouting and tTertite Water System Installed hufnagel R-4 Haiijver, Brushtow'n. Hanover 2-8194 or 3-0114 roofing SIDING Work, Reasonable inforoiadon and estimate, drop to O. BOX 90.


Phone 62-R-4 11 PER BLOCK Elmer E. Wentz Sons 'Vf It Covers The Floor, Vie Have ON THE SQUARE HANOVER, PA. GRANITE MEMORIALS of the FINEST QUALITY Our Wide variety of beautiful me morials will fill your every need MYERS MEMORIALS Cemetery Memorials and Markers 39 YEARS OF DEPENDABLE SERVICE 261 THIRD ST. (Midway) HANOVER, PA. TELEPHONE HANOVER 2-3151 tiv Whotavtr your In plain, ornamented, traditional, or a blond oi a Gorham Sttrling pattorn that btlonga, Sixtton to chooM from.

ROTH Jewelers HANOVER, PA. SPECIAL MONDAY ONLY Lots of Wear in Rich, Silky BROADCLOTH Guaranteed Fast Colors Reg. 49c 33c yard Lustrous silky broadcloth in all the colors of the rainbow perfect to make pretty dresses and blouses for yourself or pajamas and sports shirts for the man of the house. Fine quality 36 inch material. Fast colors take lots of laundering.

30-32 Broadway, 13-1S-17 Carlisle Hanover.

The Evening Sun from Hanover, Pennsylvania (2024)
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Name: Eusebia Nader

Birthday: 1994-11-11

Address: Apt. 721 977 Ebert Meadows, Jereville, GA 73618-6603

Phone: +2316203969400

Job: International Farming Consultant

Hobby: Reading, Photography, Shooting, Singing, Magic, Kayaking, Mushroom hunting

Introduction: My name is Eusebia Nader, I am a encouraging, brainy, lively, nice, famous, healthy, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.