The Evening Sun from Hanover, Pennsylvania (2024)


Pa. Phone UPHOLSTERING Repat Remodrlinf ROBERT BOLIN IKISH lOWN Free fcstimatei R-1 New Oxford Phone pw Oxford 5S-J-11 Weichert Luckenbaugh General Contractors Cabinets, Floor arui Wall Electrical Work 1099 Baer Hanover. Pa. Phone "-2665 or Phone York 87-137 Second Baseball Tournament Opens Today FT EUSTIS, Va. five- dav double-elimination 2nd Army Baseball Tournament opened here today with seven teiims entered in the event.

The field includes Lee and Ft. Eustis. Ft. Meade and the Armv Chemical Center at Edgewood. Md Valley Forge Army Hospital at PhoenixviUe and Car- Barracfcs, and Ft.

Knox, Kv Three contests will be played each day, Monday through Wednesday startine at noon. 4 p. and 8 p. m. The games Thursday and Ftidav will be played at 2 p.

m. and 30 p. m. Friday game will be played only in case of a tie or 8 ralnout. RED LION BOOSTS LEADjN CIRCUIT Lower County Trapshooters Win In Heavy Rock Edged By One Hanover Team Sixth Harness Race Results Prom Twelve) Weekend Grid Scores Baltimore 27, Pittsburgh 21 San Francisco 30, Washington 7 Cleveland 14, Green Bay 13 New York 26, Chicago Cardinals Kelvinator Appliances Authorized Kelvinator DeaJer REVONAH HOME SUPPLY Companv, Ine.

27 York St. Hanover Phone RUSSES Precrlptlon OrnrvUt and MYERS DRUG STORE Center Square Hanovver SEWING MACHINE SERVICE CLEANING and REPAIRING 26 Main Street Pa. Phone 41.SO or 4793 H. E. WILDASIN Electrical Refrigeratom, Washers General Repairinj.

Your Philyas Dealer Phone 7-1219 210 BALTIMORE STREET FREE ESTI.MATES IRON RAILINGS PORCH POSTS HANOVER IRON WORKS 624-31 Hanover, Pa. Phone 3-9132 or 3-5294 REAL ESTATE See HOLLINGER 53 Frederick Street Dhone Hanover t-5225 REAL ESTATE EARL H. ROHRBAUGH REALTOR 512 Baer Ave. Hanover Pa. Phone 3-6296 Pa.

A Md License Red Lion increased its York Gounty Trapshootmg A.ssociation League lead to nine birds with a 234 score Saturday when the association staged its 12th shoot of the season in heavy rain at the Glen Rock traps at Hungerford. The front-running club nosed out the hast team by one third for the triumph. Stewartstown was third with 230. followed by New Freedom 220. Fawn Grove 219, Hanover 212 and the Izaak Walton League of York 187.

J. T. Amberman fired the lone perfect score. Red Lion marksmen have knocked down 2,729 bu-ds in the dozen outings, while runnerup Stewartstown has 2,720 to its credit. Hanover holds down third place in the loop.

Rounding out the circuit are Fawn Grove, New Freedom. Glen Rock and Izaak Walton. Saturday's individual prizes went to Amberman, Stewart Gerbrick, Glen Rock, M. R. Jamison, a guest; Paul Hammer, Stewartstown, and Charles Kidd, New Freedom.

The re.suits; I.loi*—.1. Grove P. Gemmlll P. Hil'lehranfl 47. P.

4.j, L). Total C. L. loDtrli J. Jr.

(icr- brii A. SXPTDCT 44. Total P. Bar'enslajrer 43. Total 2rw 4i, H.j;;!!*-« 44.

C. Smith 44. R. LaMolte iV.ok Total Kawn ttrovf 4fl. Q.

Grimm 44. 44. II. Redman 42, C. Jones 40 Total J19.

Fink 46, S. 44, K. -McGlaughlin 4::. D. ZS.

Total Izaak Kohler 4R. RI ijp holt 41. C. Bowers 39, Wiler 16. Total 18T.

over also started. Delaware State Trot, 2nd S3.750 Lee Gallon H. Bell 1 Dag Hanover tJ. 2 Colonel Bostwick (G. White) 3 Time 2:14 S.

Toni Damley, Calumet W'ooUen, Benny's Day and Phyllis also started. Free-For-All Pace, 15,000 Ferman Hanower Simpson) 1 Tassel Hanover -H Pownall) 2 Torrid Minniear- 3 Time Scotch Spencer and Snow also started. Class CC Pace. SI.100 Henry Rosecroft W. Hylanj 1 McCoy Hanover J.

Simpson) 2 Tommie Tass E. Tassi' 3 Time Mighty Santa. Iri-sh Volo, Bob Key, Maurice Hanover and Hennepin also started. Attendance Mutuel Total FLOOR SANDING Polishint HOWARD B. SNYDER Finishing Cleaninir Waxing 19 THIRD ST.

flA.NOVER. PA. Phone 3-9193 Major League PAINTING Brush and Spray Contractlnf Rod In.staIlations WILLIAM B. COLE 36 Beck Road Hanover. Pa.

Phone 7-1529 Reiirious Goods and Card Shop 202 York Street Hanover, Pa. Cards for all occasions. HELEN HAFER and Pretty Things 12 York St. BANOVER PA Phonr 5266 EXPERT AUTO RADIO SERVICE RADIO 5tRVICt DIAL 71179 955 CARLISLL ST. HANOVta.PA.

HEARS 140 Carlisle St. HANOVER, PA. American League BHftinK NorPD. Nf'W York. Via.

iirw lantli-. York. 104, Battffl Cleveland, IflJ. riilfa*go. lft.1.

Wanhlnpton, 27. MinoKO. aud Watihirnfton, 14. Home Clf'Teland. 27.

Stolen Bonton. Cleveland, ll-lJ, Turlf.v, Baltimore, 1 National League Brooklyn. S49. St. Matted In Mnslal, St.

I.i.niH, 111. Sr. I.ouio. KiriiT, Chicago, and 32. Triples Hamner, Philadelithia, 11 New York.

7. 20. New Y'ork. FhUadelphia, VEBNON Y. AUG 21 CUss Trot, S500 Lindsey Kester T.

Kohler) 1 Nedson 'F. Church- 2 Charming Comet Clark) 3 Time 2:09. Hypertension, Tiffany Hanover, Trinka Regent. Jesse Brainerd and Battle Flash also started. Class Pace.

S500 Mis.s Audley Dale 'G. Chretien) 1 Walter Fmgo 2 Francie Dale Kusko) 3 Time Lydia Guy, Comere, Barbara Miss Mattie and Adelaide Dav also started. Class Pace. S500 Peggy Bach) 1 Casey Sullivan F. Church; 2 Supersonic 'E.

Anderson) 3 Time 2:07. Copper Penny, King Reward. Johnny Handy's Lady and The Comeback aiso started. Class Trot, $1,400 Nenona Hanover 'N. Boardman' 2 1 Chireen -H.

Lowei 1 6 Alfreda Hanover Mahony) 5 2 Noryork Amber 'J. Nichols) ..3 3 Time 1:32 2:04. Lilli- bet Hanover Miss Hobby Lobby Ronnie Don and Major M. also started. Class Pace.

S1.400 Mt. Grab Boy (C. Strayer) 2 1 Cami Colby Garnsey) 1 7 Sally Jane F. Church) 7 2 Gallant Man Chickering) ..5 3 Country Lad Weaver) 3 6 Time mile); Gay Harmony and Mereeth (6-4) also started. Class Pace.

S500 Major Rosecroft Bach) 1 Wilmington Prince Herrington' 2 R. McNulty) 3 Time 2:06. Jay Song. Holly- rood Guy Scotty H. and Sturdy Dean also started.

14 Pace. S2.500 Concho Hanover Garn.sey) 1 Congress Lad 'M Weaver) 2 Hersey Hanover F. Bach) 3 Time Sturdy Frisky. Lucky Fingo and Jim Carroll also started. Attendance 6,164.

Mutuel Total $207,584. Cheerful Abbe (H. Harp) ...............2 Scott H. Hughesti 3 Tune Mohican Shy Nibble Brewer. Overdraft and Jungle Drums also started.

Class Trot, Rocco iE. ...............1 Margaret Eblis Peckham) 2 Dan Me 3 Time 2:13. Cedar Augustus. Palms Up, General Mac, Tliat i Blonde and Brother Tal started- 20 Pace, $600 Penny Bohemia (R. Chamberlain) 1 Rensselaer Lad (J.

Mesicki 2 Newport Forbes) 3 Torrid Direct, Jane Woolcott. Little Rose Abbe, Bomar Lad and Joyful Brook also started. Old Forge 18 Trot. S2.200 Mimzy Song .................1 Kernel Bear. ...............2 Key West (A.

Rodney) 3 Time Colonel Spur, Esther Sprmgwood and Darn Mite also started. Class CC Pace, S700 Count Vonian Masten) ...........1 Mighty Sam (C. ...............2 William Webb Franklin) ...........3 Time 2:10. Don Truax, Merrie Darnleyson, Mountain Song. Pine Ridge Van and Broker Hanover also started.

Class Trot. S800 Sprmgwood Chief Franklin) 1 Sailor Signal Storumi d-2 True Sliver (H. Harp) Time heat for Palaetta. Queen Carol. Edith Song, Jewsharp and Majorette Hanover also started.

Class Pace. S600 Mightv High Motsiff) -----1 Jim Mite iF. Merton) .......................2 June Elgin 3 Time Colonel Fleet. Zadie Zee. J.

W. Miss Prudy Lee and Flashie Walnut also sUrt- ed. Mutuel PHILLIES PITCHER SOLD TOYANKEES Jim Konstanty, 37-Year-Old Righthander, Reports To Champs Valuable Player In '50 EVER SEE ATV SET LIKE THIS? ANNUAL CARNIVAL FRIDAY SATURDAY, AUGUST 27 28 Sponsored by AUXILIARY GOODWILL FIRE COMPANY Of Orangeville (Opposite Sheppard and Athletic Field) Special Entertainment Each Evening Friday BRODBECKS BAND Saturday PENN AIRES German Band GAMES, BIG PARTY, SANDWICHES and REFRESHMENTS of all kinds. Special Friday Night CRAB CAKES SATURDAY Beginning at 4:00 P. M.

ROAST BEEF SUPPERS Chicken Corn Soup. Bring containers to take soup out. Not unless you've seen the sensational new mm STAND-UP TUNING mmmmmmwm HANOVER BOWLING CENTER 600 THIRD ST. HANOVER. PA.

BOWLING NOW OPEN FOR SEASON Bowling helps you to improve your health OCE.AN DOWNS, MD. AUG. 21 Class Trot. S600 Bulldozer M. Haymam ....................1 Miss Barbara B.

...........2 Van Eric Zendt) ............................3 Time Guam. Boy Bohemia, Laurelite Hanover, Boy of Mine and Svmbol Land also started. Class S600 Sunflower York (R. Hudson) ....1 Dora Woodley J. ...............2 Shot McClenny Frederick) 3 Time 2:13.

Miss Dover, Haven, First Captain, Sterling Boy and Town Way also started. Class C. Trot. S600 Sharon Louise Mumma) ...........1 Bob Zendt) ...................2 Victory Income Legum) ...........3 Time 2:16. Little Linda, Peter Donna Grace and Fortunate Song also started.

Class C. Pace. $600 Head Pin Myer) ............................1 Son (L. Jones) ....................2 Frisco Bay (M. ...............3 Time Pride.

Card Trick, Dottie and Sandy McEllen also started. Class C' Trot, S600 Nina Paul Gallon (J. Walters) ....1 W. R. Spencer (J.

...........2 Charlotte Volo (W. Evans) ...............3 Time 2:11. Real Cloud. Merry Rosecroft, Berlin Airlift and Janie Mite also 21 Trot, $1,500 Castle Key (D. Buckson) ................1 Goblin (J.

Amato) ................................2 Shake Up Duer Jr.) ...................3 Time Scotch Charm and Lord Colbv also started Class Pace, S600 Mighty Me Shocklev) ...............1 Chance Up d-2 Rose Marie Woollen 'P. Ruffino) d-2 Time (d-dead heat for second). Mill Hi-Le. Doodle Bug. Wicomico Shamy.

Fay B. Brainerd and Delight also started. 23 Pace. S1.500 Sybil (R. Gustisi 1 Jive Session Stokeley) ................2 The Clipper Zendt) .................3 Time Little River.

Boy Titania Hanover. Linda Judge Jester and Boy also started. Class Pace. S600 Walnut Royal (J, Stokelev) ...........1 High Command (E. Conover) Private Jeff James) ...............3 Time Band Master.

IJttle David and Candy Kiss also started. Attendance 7.621. Mutuel Total $187.633. BATAVIA DOWNS, N. Y.

AUG. 19 Class Trot. Alta Rod (L. Bowser) .......................1 Truesland 'V. Aquino) .....................2 Miss Laird iJ.

.................3 Leonora Regal Comet. Icy Joe. Mandalay and Hudson Hanover also started. Class Pace. S700 Scottie-At-Law (W Brickner) ....1 Joe Astra 'J, Barrow) .......................2 Silesia Hanover 5 Dinah Dillon.

Cardinal Wing. Catherine Spencer and Easter Charm also started. Class Trot, S700 Mina Abbe 'L. Tolhurst) ...................1 Supreme King (M. Dennison) .........2 Darn Luckv (E.

Scherler) ...............3 Miss Elba, Darnley FYost. Genesee Bell. Gay Ro Tan and Old Taylor also started. Class Pace, Gladvs E. Lee (B.

Madill) ...............1 Sleigh Bell (L. Harner) .....................2 Palin Hanover (Jim Smith) ...........3 Pat Malloy. Dede Dillon, Mr. Counsel. Ann Sultan and Golden Gate Dee also started.

Class CC Trot, $800 Gav Ginger iJ. Chapman) ...............1 Robert Lewis (F. ...................2 Countess Gallon 'R. Nesbitt) ........3 Projection, Payme- now. Edward Van.

Cardinal and Leatherwood Dav started. Class CC Pace, $800 Lola H. Stout (J. Mehlenbacher) ..1 Symerest (E. Wheeler) .....................2 Kingsway Tolhurst) ...................3 Christie Hanover, Fri.sco Bonus, Patsy C.

Lee, Jet Volo and My Celia also started. Class Pace, $1,000 Bonus Dillon Schraffenberger) 1 Lee Scott Harvester (V. Elma Dillon (E. Arthur) .................3 High Frequency, Ann Pointer, Star Voloworth, Finst Purdue and Tired Brother also started. Class CC Pace.

$800 Miss Horton Hodgins) ...............1 Sadie Primrose (L, Johnston) ....2 Lass Knight Tolhurst) ...............3 Murray Brook, Creek- ie. Zinna Song and Honor's Lady also started. Mutuel fBv The A.ssociated Press) New York Yan- kees have purchased Jim Konstanty, 37-year-old righthander, from the Philadelphia Phillies. It was a straight cash deal with Konstanty being waived on by seven National League clubs and the six below New York in the American League standings. He reports to the champions Tuesday night in New York.

Konstanty has a 2-3 records this vear. Last season he won 14 and lost io. In 1950 he set a National League record for appearances, working in 74 games, and was voted the most valuable player in the league. Dick Burgoon Bows In Caddie Tourney COLUMBUS. Ohio Gene Cardi, 17, of Columbus outsteadied his future classmate, Dick Bureoon.

also 17, of Carlisle. Saturday to win the National Caddie Golf Tournament. Cardi won 2 and 1 in 35 hectic holes during which both boys held five up leads at one time. Cardi got a $1,500 scholarship for winning and Burgoon got a $1,000 scholarship for finishing second. Both boys said they planned to enter Ohio State University when they graduate from their respective high schools next June.

Fights Scheduled Tonight In Gotham And Flatbush NEW YORK McNeece of Central Islip, N. and Garth Panter of Salt Lake City, a pair of take-and-give middleweights collide in the main 10-roimder at Brooklyn's Eastern Parkway Arena tonight. ABC telecasts the bout at 10 p. m. The other Monday night TV network bout matches Chico Varona, I classy Cuban welterweight contend; er, and veteran FYankie Fernandez of Honolulu in a 10 -rounder at St.

Nicholas Arena Mont-TV 10 p. m. Learn To Play The Guitar DENNIS WETZEL Phone 3-1242 549 Carlisle St. H.4iNOVER. PA.

W. A. FEISER Funeral Director UNDERTAKER and EMBALMER 205 CARLISLE STREET Parlor Conditioned Penna. and -Maryland License Successor to W. Bair's Sons Dial 4241 or 9167 Frederick Bucher Funeral Director 269 Frederick Hanover Dial 6259 Onr lesson plan makes It (Easy on the pocketbook too, for we loan yon a miitar for 10 triaj lessons), Leonard T.

Zinn is our guitar teacher. Inquire Now Menchey Music Service ajvil 18 York Hanover, Pa. Phone 4190 PAINTING Interior and Exterior Complete oatntinf J. H. MILLER R-4.

Hanover Phone 2-8274 PITCHING: Early Wynn Early Wynn. Cleveland Indians. snared his 17th victory of the season while limiting the Baltimore Orioles to three hits before stepping out for replacements in seventh inning of 12-1 triumph. BATTING: Del Ennis Del Ennis. Philadelphia Phillies.

hit three-run homers in both games of doubleheader sweep over Brooklyn Dodgers, 6-0. MILLARD H. KLUNK Zenith, RCA. Hallicrafter, Raytheon Radios TV Sales Service 120 E. Hanover Hanover Opposite Hanover St.

School Phone 2-1288 TOTEM POLE r.S Rontr SO Fa.TPttrvUle TO.VIGHT at 8:40 A G.I. Laugh Riot Reserved Seats, $1.10 $1.65 Fri. Sat. $1.65 $2.20 Wed. 2:30 P.

For Reservations Phone Fayetteville 343 llADtWAKV WONDER HOW TO SAY BIRTHDAV KOHL BROS. WELL DRILLING Harrisburs Phone 3-6900 MELVIN BENEDICT R-l, NEW OXFORD. P.A. Phone 62-R-4 jurr TM( Coming to Hanover Soon! Complete Gun Service. Watch this newspaper for complete details MODF.L 17M $13995 152 tq.

in. picture! MODEL 2160 169 95 5 screen 2-45 iq. in. picture! ATTEND OUR BIG PARTY Every Tuesday Night at 8:00 P. M.

At the HANOVER FIRE COMPANY, NO. 1 8 East Chestnut Hanover Benefit of Emergency Fund SARATOGA RACEWAY N. AUG. 20 Class Trot, $600 Lassie (R, Pease) ...,1 Miss Saliera Masten) .................2 Tower Comet (G, Forshey) .............3 Time 2:14, Miss Berry Song, Miss Lois Volo, Phonolyn. Brochton and Tish Tish Class Pace.

S600 Nipper Tandy (H. Adriance) .........1 FREEHOLD R.ACEWAY, N. J. AUG. 20 24-25 Trot, $500 Kitty Barnes (J.

Argo) .....................1 Char Direct (R. Brandt) .................2 W'orthy Costle (R. Little) ...............3 Lord Baltimore. Vo- lithaca, Bertha, Maryland Bilver and Beverly Key also started. 30 Pace, $500 Scout Hanover Floyd) .............1 Short Circuit (E.

Jefferson) .........2 Purdue Laddie (C. Dill) ...................3 Circles Hot, Belle Wick, Sunny Prospect, Aniceta and Kathleen McEllen also started. 20-22 Trot, $500 Canadian Booty (M. Capper) ........1 Toodles Hanover (H. Dancer Kaydeross Drayton) .................3 Time Follow Scott.

Blanche Bravaway and Dolly Dimples also started. 23-24 Pace, $800 Royal Boy iR. Taylor) 1 2 Cannonite (El Myer) 2 1 Little Dippy (Cr Dill) 3 5 Frisco Elkington (E. Jefferson) 7 3 Erla Dee (4-4), Aubrey York (5-6) and Payne Hal (6-7) also started. 20-22 Pace.

$800 Abbot Direct (F. 1 3 Rottie Stone (R, Cotton) 3 1 Danny Rosecroft (W. 6 2 Cardinal C. 2 dr 2:13. Chassis (4-6), Lila Gray (7-4), Brimette H.

and Top Record (8-7) also started. 18-19 Pace, $800 Dividend (J. Haves) 1 1 Billy N. (T. Hollis) 2 3 Eddie Truax Myer) 4 2 Richard Me 1 L.

Bartelloni) 3 4 2:12. Racket (5-5), McEllen Abbedale (6-7), Flippy Grattan (7-6) and Jaue Majesty (8-8) started. Mutuel NOW fry CHANNEL 8 BIG PARTY GRANGEVILLE In the Goodwill Fire Co. House, Street, Extended. Beginninff at 8:00 SPECIAL FEATURES Every Tuesday Niglii Benefit of Goodwill Fire Co.

Evervbodv Welcome BIG DANCE Every Saturday Night Parkville Fire Co. Baltimore Extd. Round and Paul jones Dancef Music by KEN RICHARDS and HIS NOVELAIRES Dancinx from to 12 In Hanover It's For BOONTON WARE and REVERE WARE Sets or sinele oieces E. J. J.

GOBRECHT 120 Chestnut Hanover Yorktowne Girls Spank Ken Mumma Low Among Jeanettes By Score State Boys In Tourney TERMS, of course! Quick delivery if HURRYt JOHN W. MATHIAS 732 York Hanover, Pa. Phone 3-6184 SPECIAL TIRE SALE We must reduce our Tire Inventory Our List Prices 15C Tires II be sold at OFF Sale Continues Until Labor Day Tires Installed Free of Charge PETERMAN PONTIAC, Inc. 720 Carlisle Street Hanover, Pa. Phone 3811.

Open evenings until 9:00 The Yorktowne Beverage softball team, champions of the York Girls League, whipped the Jeanettes of York, 14-3, in an exhibition game on the Willow Beach diamond, here, yesterday afternoon. Yorktowne. composed of girls from Hanover, will play a return i contest with the Jeanettes tomorrow evening at Allen Field in York. ELGIN TEENERS WIN HERSHEY 111., defeated Winneboro. 5-0 yester- i day to win the 2nd annual Veterans of Foreign Wars National Teener Baseball Tourney.

Consolation orizes were awarded to Elizabeth City, i N. Uniontown, and Struthers, Ohio. Weekend Fights (Hv The Associatoli Fresili i ins. (Mitiioliited Hans, I i'reildericli, -02, Dortfund, Germanjr, 10. ALBUQUERQUE.

N. M. (AP) Ken Mumma of Linglestown, near Harrisburg, had the lowest score of the three Pennsylvania boys entered ii. the ninth annual International Jaycee Junior Golf Tournament which ended Saturday. Allen Geiberger, 16-year-old Santa Barbara, boy, won the tourney with a 72-hole total of 296.

card was 313. Close behind him was Jim Curtis of Oakmont, with an 81-80-84-83 total. Jim Graybill of York, the third Keystone State player shot an HELD OVER PARKVILLE CARNIVAL Tonight Only Rides, Games and Amusem*nts For All Free Entertainment by Accordion Band, beginning at 7:00 Refreshments tonight include Sandwiches and Chicken Corn Soup. Automatic WASHERS and DRYERS W. R.

BURNS SON 240 Third St. Hanover Heating and Plumbins PLAYOFFS TO RESUME Shaughnessy semi-final playoff action in the Bi-County Baseball League resumes this evening, with Friendship at White Hill and Newville at Centerville. Friendship has a 2-0 lead in its best-in-flve series with White Hill, while Newville copped the lone game it has played with Centerville. CARNIVAL AMVET POST, NO. 22 Athletic Association AUG.

24, 25, 26, 27, 28, Inclusive WILLOW BEACH PARK York Street, Hanover, Pa. AMUsem*nTS FOR EVERYONE, 1 to 100 REFRESHMENT CONCESSION Under Auspices of Amvets Auxiliary BENEFIT OF ATHLETIC FUND ALL TYPES OF ELECTRICAL WIRING FRANCIS E. KLUNK Electrical Service 501 North MrSlierrystowTi Phone 2-3270 Stambaugh Auto Parti Generator. Starter. Ignition ani Auto Magneto Service 107 E.

Walnut St. Dial 9163 BANOVER PA FOR AUTOMATIC WATER JACUZZI Water Systems for home farm. WINAND THE PUMP MAN R-3, Hanover Phone 5-0664 bittinger paint AND WALL PAPER Chestnat St PhoiM 017t.

The Evening Sun from Hanover, Pennsylvania (2024)
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Name: Golda Nolan II

Birthday: 1998-05-14

Address: Suite 369 9754 Roberts Pines, West Benitaburgh, NM 69180-7958

Phone: +522993866487

Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Worldbuilding, Shopping, Quilting, Cooking, Homebrewing, Leather crafting, Pet

Introduction: My name is Golda Nolan II, I am a thoughtful, clever, cute, jolly, brave, powerful, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.